Looking for a dream and many of our new neighbors are in this movie. Unfortunately, in this area, a lot of the trees were cleared and sold. The organization Casa Gaja bought the house with the surrounding land . The reason was the preservation and protection of the surrounding rainforest. The station has now also been enlarged and created with a laboratory and other rooms for accommodation. During this time, Casa Gaja worked with Coredor Biologico, a nature conservation organization, and with the University of Costa Rica, and provided biology students with the station and laboratory for field work and research. at various Naturschutzprojekten.In of this time, Thorsten Tittel, the current president of the organization Redfrogteam Guardianes de la Naturalesa together with Manuel Mittelhammer from the Aikologi, came to the station around the biology students in the determination of reptiles amphibians. In 2004 . The organization Casa Gaja gave the Redfrogteam the station so that we carry out our projects in the arts and nature conservation here.